Reflection 3: Code of Ethics & Magna Carta for Public Teachers

Teachers: Beyond the Four Corners of a Classroom

A reflection on the basic laws of education and some of its realities and implementation in the field.

Author: Marsgann Patrick B. Paras

Teachers assist students in learning course material, whether online or in the classroom. Educators aid children by teaching them essential life lessons and presenting a positive example, in addition to covering academics like arithmetic, science, and reading. Teachers must adhere to Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and Magna Carta for Public School Teachers as role models for their students.

It is critical for teachers to understand the legal foundations since it serves as a guide for them in dealing with their students. Legal basis are measures that place restrictions on both the teacher and the students in order to avoid situations in which the rights of both parties are violated. Understanding these legal foundations can assist educators in determining what a teacher is required to accomplish and vice versa.

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Why is Teacher Ethics Necessary?

The purpose of the code of ethics for teachers is to protect the rights of students. Teachers must recognize that by accepting a teaching post, they are agreeing to adhere to the code of ethics. Teachers are supposed to treat all of their students fairly and not to take advantage of their position.

You can't take expensive gifts from students, for example, because it can appear that you're biased. Because kids are a "captive audience," you cannot force your personal opinions on them. You must maintain a professional relationship with all students and avoid becoming too informal or acquainted with them.

It appears that there is a lot of abuse going on in the school. You must ensure the safety of your students and not assume that this is someone else's responsibility. The most important thing is not to abuse the power that your position gives you over your students. Consider the ramifications of what happens. Furthermore, our country separates "church and state." Whether you agree or disagree, you must respect this as a teacher and keep religious bias out of the classroom.

Insights on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

This code assures that students receive an education that is fair, honest, and uncompromising. Teachers' primary responsibilities to their pupils are outlined in a professional code of ethics, which also defines their position in a student's life. In the classroom, whether virtual or in person, and in their interactions with parents and coworkers, educators must demonstrate impartiality, honesty, and ethical behavior.

Here are the basic principles that a teacher must adhere in accordance to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers:

  • Prioritizing Students

Perseverance, honesty, respect, lawfulness, justice, patience, and unity are all character attributes that teachers must exhibit. Teachers must treat all students with compassion and respect, displaying no bias, prejudice, or partiality as educators. Unless a situation necessitates the intervention of parents, school administration, or law enforcement, teachers must maintain confidentiality and never leverage student relationships for personal advantage.

  • Efforts to Demonstrate Commitment on the Job

Educators must devote their entire lives to the teaching profession. A classroom should foster safety, security, and acceptance while avoiding bullying, hostility, negligence, dishonesty, or offensive behavior at all times. To be hired, teachers must honestly describe their qualifications, licenses, and credentials to school boards or administration offices.

Teachers must also complete all contracts, follow all school policies, and account for all funds and resources available to them. It is the teacher's responsibility to prepare lesson plans that fulfill certain state criteria while also providing a well-rounded education for students of various backgrounds and skills.

  • Healthy Relationships Should Be Promoted and Maintained

Educators must create great relationships with school employees, parents, guidance counselors, coworkers, and administrators in addition to fostering healthy relationships with children. Unless the law requires it, teachers must refrain from sharing private information about colleagues and students.

Teachers should never engage in any form of gossip, including making false statements about coworkers or students. Teachers are required by the code of ethics to collaborate with other teachers, parents, and administrators to establish an environment that promotes learning and growth. Educators may be asked to train student instructors who want to be teachers, thus having the proper mindset and attitude can make a big impact.

  • Never Stop Learning

The code of conduct for educators requires that they pay attention to continuing education requirements and professional development. Teachers must devote time to learning new teaching methods, attending classes to keep their certificates current, consulting colleagues for professional guidance, staying up to date on technological innovations in the classroom, and participating in curriculum revisions. 

For all students, a teacher must guarantee that their teaching approaches are relevant and complete. Teachers must engage in educational research in order to improve their teaching practices on a regular basis.

Understanding the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

The Republic Act (RA) 4670, also known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, was passed into law to look after the welfare of public school teachers and to promote, improve, and safeguard their professional rights.

Teachers are an extremely important element of society, and we can't fathom a world without them. They are, without a doubt, one of the most powerful and important forces for educational equity, access, and quality, as well as the key to long-term global growth. Teachers are responsible for nurturing and shaping the future of their students as well as the society.

Educators are truly heroes because they may be a counselor, a doctor, and a parent to their kids in addition to being a teacher and a public servant. They are so committed to their noble profession that they are willing to extend their working hours and job scope for the benefit of their students. They are actual heroes since they devote the majority of their time to their jobs rather than spending time with their families or simply relaxing.

The state honors the important roles and efforts of teachers in developing future leaders as a result of their hard work and dedication. Teachers were granted rights and privileges by states in recognition of their noble vocation. It is understandable and overwhelming that the state honors teachers through those measures, as seen by the Magna Carta for public school teachers and Article XIV, Section IV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

Teachers are deserving of the rights and benefits bestowed by the state since they take on the obligation of caring for their students in school even when they are not in class.

Furthermore, instructors, particularly those stationed in remote places where there are no public transportation options and the only way to get there is to walk and cross rivers, face greater challenges. The State should commemorate public school teachers by allowing the Philippine Flag to be draped over their caskets in honor of their noble efforts.

However, in order to be safeguarded from abuses, every teacher should be familiar with and comprehend the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers and the 1987 constitutions, as these serve as their profession's guide and contain their rights, privileges, and benefits.

Philippines' Current Education Issues

Education concerns in the Philippines have intensified as a result of COVID-19, which has added new hurdles to the country's current situation. Distance learning modalities via the internet or TV broadcasts were ordered in response to the unexpected occurrences brought on by the health crisis.

In addition, in October 2020, a blended learning program was launched, which includes online classes, printouts, and lessons broadcast on television and social media channels. As a result, the new learning pathways rely on students and teachers having internet connection.

Another issue in the current system arises as a result of this. Millions of Filipinos lack access to computers and other digital tools at home, preventing them from benefiting from blended learning. As a result, many pupils are affected by the usefulness of technology in education. The following are the main issues of parents and guardians:

  • Money for mobile phone usage

  • The absence of a gadget

  • Internet signal is poor

  • Students find it difficult to concentrate and learn when they are online

  • Parents' lack of understanding of their children's lessons

It's important to recognize that well-equipped schools have greater opportunities to adopt a variety of approaches to address the new concerns about distant learning. This highlights the disparities in resources and training between private and public schools at the K-12 and postsecondary levels.

Another possibility is that schools will be unable to convey the most fundamental abilities required. Furthermore, the current state of affairs may have an impact on how tertiary education seeks to instill respect for and responsibility for knowledge, as well as a critical mindset. Previously, teachers were responsible for 40 to 60 students. When a class reaches 70 to 80 students, the existing online structure puts the quality of learning at risk.

The Challenge of a Modern Day Teacher

Apart from being a great profession, teaching is also a demanding and difficult one. The job of teachers has drastically transformed throughout time in the modern era, with the introduction of new teaching approaches and the way digital and smart learning have made inroads into the area of education. A teacher today has the difficult challenge of keeping up with the most recent inventions and advancements in the fields of medicine, education, science, art, and so on. Upgrading their skills and expertise on a regular basis is thus essential, and it is a top priority nowadays.

A superb teacher is known for his or her politeness, patience, perseverance, and assertiveness. Teachers should rise to these problems and meet them front on in order to make a difference and improve society as a whole.


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